Soultone Cymbals .

Gestart door Technobeat, jul 22, 2012, 20:18

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Soultone Cymbals .

Heeft iemand hier al eens van gehoord , en zo ja : Hoe vinden jullie ze spelen en klinken ?

DRUMMEN : A way of living .
Pearl Drums : Powered with Pearl Mimic Pro module .


= masterworks


Klopt, net als TRX etc.:
Orient Cymbals
Orient cymbals is a corporation of Masterwork cymbals. Orient cymbals was created ship OEM TRX, Soultone and other cymbals within European territories. Partners Yucel and Cetin operate Orient Cymbals from their Taksim area retail store called Masterwork Music Distribution. Masterwork also sells their own brands of string instruments, etc.


Masterworks kopie dus . :/
DRUMMEN : A way of living .
Pearl Drums : Powered with Pearl Mimic Pro module .

harmen 18

Nou ja, kopie....... Het is gewoon hetzelfde. Niet gejat van elkaar.


Kopie betekent toch niet gelijk dat het gejat wordt? ;) :)

harmen 18


Kun jij ons dan misschien wat meer vertellen over de relaties tussen masterworks en soultone?


Paar minuten 'grasduinen op het WordWideWeb..,en zie daar....,( ff een oud topic afgestoft.)


Klopt, net als TRX etc.:
Orient Cymbals
Orient cymbals is a corporation of Masterwork cymbals. Orient cymbals was created ship OEM TRX, Soultone and other cymbals within European territories. Partners Yucel and Cetin operate Orient Cymbals from their Taksim area retail store called Masterwork Music Distribution. Masterwork also sells their own brands of string instruments, etc.
No idea where you took this statement from, but here is the point:

Masterwork is an OEM company just as Diril (which co-designed under others Meinl Byzance, do Byzances have to be bad because of it now? no) and other companies based in Turkey, most of them being the "split" of Istanbul.There is no reason or valid point to justify having so many different "trade names" for the same "cymbal" and here is why:

If you have a company and you let it expand worldwide (or in different regions), you will maintain the initial company name to provide already a solid and built trust to your new market. This will facilitate the market entry, marketing and therefore sales.

We all know Soultone, TRX, etc. are owned by different owners and through the years have developed their on Quality Controls, series, artists and reputation. Especially that these two are American companies.

They might very well share a couple of manufacturers here and there, but at that point is really worthless to take in mind, it basically means nothing.
