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oefenruimte / About place to practise.
jun 11, 2013, 22:21
I need a suggestion about place to practise. I cant have drum set or e-drum in my house as i cant make noise and there is no space. I just moved to Den Haag. Do you guys know any place that I can go practise drumming... for example, music room or something. Or, is there any drum school that I can have a lesson and be able to practise there(not study time).

If it is cheap or free would be great.

Thank you so much for your recommendation!
I want to buy a knee practise pad for myself. Can anyone recommend me the shop? I have tried to search for it but I cant find any.

By the way, I live in Den haag. If you know the shop nearby, It would be great.

I'm not sure how to call it but it is like this ->

Thank you so much!